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Page 8 of results for query 'Job vacancies'

Workshop Report

Sep 14, 2015 ... “Scale of Employment Land 'safety margin' and vacancy allowance should be much lower to reflect study area's constraints – particularly ...

Improvement Plan – Completed Actions

Sep 21, 2022 ... Replacement Vacancies X3 ... support employment and skills opportunities in high growth sectors job fairs, careers days, employment workshops with.

Appendix D – Bibliography

J:\Bedford-Jobs\Hertfordshire County Council\49323910 HIIS - Transportation Elements\DMS\Reports\BDRP0004 HIIS Transport. Deficit and Schemes_Final.doc.

'Two centuries ago the UK led the world's first Industrial Revolution ...

hundreds of thousands of new jobs ... This plan mobilises £12 billion – and potentially more than three times as much from the private sector – to place green ...

Agenda item - Performance Review - Total Asset Management ...

Oct 14, 2015 ... ... jobs, is that what you mean. F Williamson said there are two indicators to that, the first time fix and they also record the number of jobs ...

Delivering Success:

Job numbers in the Borough have grown strongly during the monitoring period. ... 14 Non-B jobs are jobs not within Use Classes B1 (business use), B2 ...

Appendix F – Schemes Identified for Growth

J:\Bedford-Jobs\Hertfordshire County Council\49323910 HIIS - Transportation Elements\DMS\Reports\BDRP0004 HIIS. Transport Deficit and Schemes_Final.doc.

TECHNICAL APPENDIX - 2010/11 Delivering Success

Density of major new employment development (DBLP indicator 1B). The Employment Land Position Statement No.35 – as at April 2011 shows there has been only ...

Enterprise & Investment Team Action Plan 2017-20 | Dacorum ...

Retail is a major employment sector for all districts in Hertfordshire and Dacorum is no different with an estimate of 14, 000* job relating to retail in the ...

Feedback from 2012/13 Apprenticeship Scheme - CMT 23rd July ...

... job within the council. I have been very lucky that my team and team leader ... I am very hopeful to secure a vacancy at the Cupid Green Depot as Unit ...