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Page 8 of results for query 'Modern slavery'

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Jul 17, 2019 ... applicant who was a victim of modern slavery. Housing Development. Cabinet Report. Approval secured at July Cabinet for: Appropriation of Land ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council, 18/09/2019 19:30

Sep 18, 2019 ... applicant who was a victim of modern slavery. Housing Development. Cabinet Report. Approval secured at July Cabinet for: Appropriation of Land ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Housing and Community ...

Jul 5, 2017 ... Slavery and Human Trafficking. d. New legislation under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 introduces requirements for Dacorum Borough Council to ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Member Development Steering ...

Jun 19, 2019 ... training concerning Prevent and Trafficking and Modern Slavery and stated that this had been obligatory for all councillors and all staff ...

Template - Committee Report - Cabinet

economic & financial standing, technical & professional ability, modern slavery, and additional questions on insurance, equality and environmental.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 12/11/2019 19:30

Nov 12, 2019 ... Modern slavery (Legislation) (draft). Description: The extent to which modern slavery legislation is understood and embedded within the ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Housing and Community ...

Nov 8, 2017 ... 15.1 Raise awareness of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. 15.2 Seek Cabinet approval of the proposed Safeguarding Policy and. Procedure ...

Lorry Park - Furnell Transport Hemel Hempstead

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Report for: Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny ...

Feb 2, 2021 ... several aspects of community safety including domestic abuse and modern day slavery the council will independently review all council Community.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Housing and Community ...

Mar 4, 2020 ... Corporate objectives: Delivering an efficient and modern council. ... mental health, hoarding and modern slavery alongside anti-social behaviour.