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Page 8 of results for query 'Nuisance'

Application No 1

public nuisance. These representations are set out at Annexes D1 to D12. 6 representations support the application, with reference to the promotion of.

(Public Pack)Premises Licence Application under the Licensing Act ...

Dec 7, 2021 ... This will help achieve orderly arrival and departure of persons and will reduce the risk of nuisance occurring. Signage will also be in ...


Jun 29, 2020 ... To avoid causing problems to other residents. You must not cause a nuisance to others and not allow anyone living with or visiting you to do so.

Application No 1

3.1. Two representations were received during the consultation period, one from. Berkhamsted Town Council, citing concerns in respect of public nuisance,.

Dear Mr. Pearce, Premises Licence Application- Licensing Act 2003 ...

Nov 24, 2021 ... The measures listed within the operating schedule to address the licensing objective of Public Nuisance are: ➢ The Premises Licence Holder ...


Jan 25, 2012 ... There was reduced ASB and nuisance over Halloween and Firework period. Reports of nuisance and ASB fell for the 4th year running following a ...

Template - Committee Report - Cabinet

Jan 20, 2015 ... respect of premises used or likely to be used to commit nuisance or disorder under. Part 4, Chapter 3 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and ...

Agenda item - Fly tipping

The Hertfordshire Fly Tipping Group have been working closely with the Police and Crime Commissioner and have been able to access the nuisance fund which is ...

Agenda item - Premises Licence application under the Licensing Act ...

... nuisance caused by noise, litter arising from licensable activities and other associated nuisance that could reasonably be associated with licensable activities ...

Agenda for Licensing of Alcohol and Gambling Sub-Committee on ...

Prevention of Public Nuisance, Protection of Children from Harm, Prevention of Crime and Disorder, and Public Safety. Common themes that have been reported ...