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Page 8 of results for query 'Slavery'

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Funding Instruction for local authorities in the support of the United ...

Apr 8, 2021 ... ... slavery or practices similar slavery (such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Member Development Steering ...

Jun 19, 2019 ... training concerning Prevent and Trafficking and Modern Slavery and stated that this had been obligatory for all councillors and all staff ...

Minutes Template

Jul 17, 2019 ... homelessness applicant who was a victim of modern slavery. Housing Development. Cabinet Report. Approval secured at July Cabinet for ...

Minutes Template

Mar 4, 2020 ... slavery, asking; what support do we give to tenants that have hoarding issues, as they fall into a very special category in that they don't ...

Dacorum Digest residents' magazine July 2020

Jul 7, 2020 ... domestic abuse & modern slavery) by working with Herts. County Council to undertake a full review of complex needs pathways and services.

Public Document Pack - Housing and Community Overview and ...

Jan 10, 2018 ... slavery, and additional questions on insurance, equality and environmental management. 5.19 Both tenderers passed the minimum requirements ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 12/11/2019 19:30

Nov 12, 2019 ... Modern slavery (Legislation) (draft). Description: The extent to which modern slavery legislation is understood and embedded within the ...

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Jul 17, 2019 ... applicant who was a victim of modern slavery. Housing Development. Cabinet Report. Approval secured at July Cabinet for: Appropriation of Land ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council, 18/09/2019 19:30

Sep 18, 2019 ... applicant who was a victim of modern slavery. Housing Development. Cabinet Report. Approval secured at July Cabinet for: Appropriation of Land ...