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Page 8 of results for query 'Waste disposal'

Appendix B1 Budget Change Analysis 2018-19 - 2019-20

Co-mingled waste disposal costs. Craig Thorpe. 450. ICT licences - Enterprise Licence agreements and CRM. Ben Trueman. 80. Forum room booking system. Ben ...

Bonfires and smoke

Jun 7, 2023 ... ... waste is not permitted on any site, without permission from the Environmental Agency. Businesses have a legal obligation to dispose of waste ...


Mar 14, 2017 ... ... Waste Transfer. Site budget for waste disposal. This is due to an increase in waste being diverted to recycling facilities. Page 5. Agenda ...

Retention Schedule Policy for Dacorum Borough Council

Apr 12, 2023 ... waste. Destroy 6 year after last action. Common practice. Disposal of Waste. 8.28. The summary management of sites used for the disposal of ...

Application for Animal Boarding Establishment licence

... waste, which should not be disposed of via domestic waste bins or public litter bins. Where no alternate disposal arrangements are in place, businesses ...

Bonfires*/Burning of Commercial Waste Policy

... waste is disposed of through the correct waste streams, using the waste hierarchy and ensuring only registered Waste Carriers are contracted to dispose of.


Mar 15, 2016 ... 1.1 Refuse and Recycling – Domestic and Commercial Waste ... • Separation, storage and disposal of hazardous waste including asbestos,.

Issue - items at meetings - Facilities Management Award of Contract

... waste disposal, locksmith services etc.). Due to the second element of the costs we are unable to provide a precise contract value, but can confirm that the ...

Report for: SPAE Overview & Scrutiny Committee Date of meeting: 6 ...

Sep 6, 2017 ... 1.1 Refuse and Recycling – Domestic and Commercial Waste ... • Separation, storage and disposal of hazardous waste including asbestos,.

Minutes Template

Aug 15, 2019 ... new, non-waste development makes sufficient provision for waste management and ... disposal.' This includes encouraging re-use of ...