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Page 8 of results for query 'Zoos'

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Licensing and Health and Safety ...

Jan 26, 2016 ... Zoo licences (for zoos, aquariums and animal parks, which exhibit wild animals to the public). 1.2. The number of licences issued by Dacorum ...


Application for new zoo licence (fee plus vet inspection). 2,000.00. 2,000.00. 0.0%. Application to renew zoo licence (fee plus vet inspection). 1,600.00.


Sep 27, 2015 ... part of the Natural History Museum at Tring; Whipsnade Zoo; Apsley marina; the Chilterns; Champneys Spa Resort as well as spending time in.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Strategic Planning ...

Feb 6, 2018 ... Zoos. Application for new zoo licence (4yr) (plus cost of vet. Application to renew zoo licence (6yr) (plus cost of vet. Application to vary ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Finance and Resources ...

Feb 6, 2018 ... Zoos. Application for new zoo licence (4yr) (plus cost of vet. Application to renew zoo licence (6yr) (plus cost of vet. Application to vary ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Apr 29, 2014 ... Zoo. 0. 4/6 years. 3.2.Animal welfare licensing is one of the next regulatory areas in which licensing officers will be working on a review ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Housing and Community ...

Feb 7, 2017 ... Zoos. Application for new zoo licence (4yr) (plus cost of vet. Application to renew zoo licence (6yr) (plus cost of vet. Application to vary ...

Chilterns Beechwoods SAC map

Chilterns Beechwoods SAC. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Strategic Planning ...

Feb 5, 2019 ... Zoos. Application for new zoo licence (4yr) (plus cost of vet inspection). Application to renew zoo licence (6yr) (plus cost of vet.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 13/02/2018 19:30

Feb 5, 2018 ... Zoos. Application for new zoo licence (4yr) (plus cost of vet. Application to renew zoo licence (6yr) (plus cost of vet. Application to vary ...