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Page 8 of results for query 'community networks'

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Payment in Kind Policy

Jan 1, 2015 ... Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) ... 2 This would be limited to other infrastructure provider's e.g Hertfordshire County Council, Network.

Agenda item - Children Services and Community Safety Partnership ...

Mar 4, 2020 ... ... networks that were set up and supported by Council officers to engage with communities that had been identified as areas of deprivation.

Dacorum Emerging Strategy for Growth (2020 - 2038)

A new country park of district-wide importance, accessed through a new green infrastructure network that links existing and future communities. Delivery of ...

Open Space Study March 2008

relating to community facilities covered in the Social and Community Facilities ... infrastructure to create linked networks of green space. Any tensions ...

Topic Paper - Climate Change and Sustainability - November 2020

Communities/Community Facilities and Open Space, Sports and Leisure topic ... priority habitats, ecological networks and the protection and recovery of.

All news

Speakers and screen at DCAN event Third Dacorum Climate Action Network ... community garden will be out of this world 09 November 2023 We've teamed up ...

Consultation Summary Report - Dacorum Local Plan (2020 - 2038 ...

networks. Local businesses (online). 2,886 subscribers. Businesses ... with Policies DM64 Community Facilities and DM65 Community Stewardship and Management.

Dacorum Development Programme

Jan 4, 2013 ... community and environment. Whilst the picture is generally of an ... network event to include more businesses -. Continue to meet.

Agenda item - Supporting Young People Programme through the ...

Oct 7, 2020 ... ... networks who could possibly claim some funding form the ... She stated that this might be more suited for the community centre network ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Mar 2, 2022 ... She felt they had a good network because of their experience resettling Afghan and Syrian refugees. Cllr Johnson referred to paragraph 6.4 ...