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Page 9 of results for query 'Conservation areas'

Section Page The Plan in General 1.1 28 PART 1 - INTRODUCTION ...

Development in Conservation Areas. 13.22. 1092. Policy 117. The Management of Conservation Areas. 13.23. 1095. Policy 118. Historic Parks and Gardens. 13.24.

Local Land Charges - CON29 information

Question 1.1 (h). Available on following Conservation & Design link on Website:.


The site comprises of a three storey terraced dwelling house which falls within the. Berkhamsted Conservation Area and Queens Road Area Character Appraisal ( ...

Urban Capacity Study - Appendix B - Site Assessment Proformas Tring

Areas. The site is not within 800m of a designated AQMA. Agricultural Land ... Site is wholly within Tring conservation area. Listed Buildings. Site may ...

ITEM NUMBER: 5f 21/03794/FHA Construction of top lit rear dormer ...

... Conservation Areas) Act 1990 places a general duty on local planning authorities with respect to any buildings or other land in a conservation area. In ...

Decision - Tring Conservation Area Review

Oct 18, 2019 ... 1) the Tring Conservation Area: Character Appraisal and Management Proposals be adopted as: a) Technical guidance for use in development ...

Green Belt Review: Purposes Assessment for Dacorum, St Albans ...

Nov 30, 2013 ... conservation areas in Policy 85, which are to be preserved or enhanced. With regards to landscape, the Plan recognises the effectiveness of ...

Heritage Statements Oct 2011

The information contained in the above documentation should cross-reference associated scale drawings and plans. Conservation Areas ... in a conservation area, a ...

4.0 Surviving Historic Features within the Conservation Area ...

4.1 Berkhamsted Conservation Area has an extensive and varied list of historical features / buildings that have survived primarily due to the size and nature of ...

Hemel Hempstead Conservation Area: Character Appraisal ...

Jan 21, 2014 ... Councillor Andrew Williams, Portfolio Holder for Planning and. Regeneration. Dr James Moir, Lead Conservation Officer (Ext 2163) for.