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Page 9 of results for query 'Data'

Finance privacy policy

data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract. Article 6(1). (e) e) processing is ...

Environmental Services privacy policy

Apr 8, 2024 ... Data Protection Officer. Our Data Protection Officer for the purposes of Articles 37 to 39 of the General Data Protection Regulation is the.

Quarterly Complaints Report

No Data. No Target. No Incidents. (0/0). Target: 80.00. No Incidents. (0/0). Target: 80.00. Updater. Number received. Shane Flynn. Heather Price. No Data. Info ...

Electoral Registration privacy policy

Once the data has passed checks required to approve the application it will be saved but will not be kept up to date. Security. Digital applications will be ...

Privacy Policy - Human Resources

Apr 18, 2024 ... This privacy notice explains how Dacorum Borough Council (the Data Controller) will use any personal information we collect about you when you ...

Agenda item - Primary Care Update

Jan 29, 2020 ... ... Data to identify areas of priority within PCNs. A support unit / Data warehouse has recently been commissioned, this will enable PCN data to ...

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies | Hertfordshire County ...

Transport and accident data · Speed awareness and driver training · Recycling ... Freedom of information and council data · Cost of living help · Complain ...

OSC Finance and Resources Quarterly Performance

and no longer includes data relating to calls handled through the automated systems. Performance during August and. September is above target. Report run: 22 ...


Jan 3, 2024 ... Data transparency. We publish a wide range of information, including payments we makes to external providers that are for £250 or more ...

Quarterly Performance by GM Service

No Data. Info Only. No Data. Info Only review how the survey is conducted. Updater. Owner. Numbers of satisfaction surveys returned continue to be very low.