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Page 9 of results for query 'Gardens'

Oxhey Ward Policy constraints Physical constraints G / U >5ha ...

OXH 43. Oxhey Lane. Large gardens. Adjacent to road. In residential area. R. Tight/narrow site. OXH 43. OXH 44. Watford Heath. New residential infill.

Issue - items at meetings - Hemel Garden Communities

Meeting: 30/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 73) · Cabinet-30-07-19-Appendix 1 Hemel Hempstead Garden Town and Hemel Garden Communities, item 73 · Cabinet-30-07-19- ...

Adeyfield East Ward

rear gardens large site, access could easily be provided through Johnson. Court. R. Retain rear gardens. Some completed schemes. CH8. CH9. Dowling Court garage ...

Noise Impact Assessment of a proposed extension to the existing ...

Apr 28, 2016 ... J D Wetherspoon (JDW) is seeking planning permission to extend the existing beer garden at “The Crown”. Public House at 145 High Street, ...

Abbots Langley Ward

New well managed, well kept gardens. R. TPO's and too prominent for development. AB20. AB21. Kings Head. Pub and garden. 0.128. A. Informal discussions have ...

Decision - Hemel Hempstead Garden Community Board ...

Jan 17, 2020 ... Decision: · Cabinet-14-01-20-Hemel Garden Communities MoU · Cabinet-14-01-20-Appendix 1 Hemel Garden Community Community Impact Assessment ...

Parking and travel

May 20, 2024 ... Berkhamsted: Lower Kings Road, St Johns Well Lane and Water Lane. Hemel Hempstead: High Street, Moor End Road, Queensway, Water Gardens (South) ...

Agenda item - Public Space Protection Order

Jul 25, 2017 ... ... Gardens area as shown on the plan at Appendix A to the Cabinet report, to prohibit/regulate the following activities: (a) Behave in a way ...

Adeyfield East Ward

gardens. Overgrown, poorly kept gardens. Large space, good access to local centre. Covered under empty house source. 0.17. A. Any development in the gardens ...

5f 19/02908/FHA Garden Office and Store Room Site Address: 9 ...

Jan 30, 2020 ... From the main street view of. Gossoms Ryde, numbers 28-32 screen the rear gardens of the properties on Queens Road. Therefore, the building ...