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Page 9 of results for query 'Housing'

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

44. Minutes. To confirm the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the Housing and Community OSC meeting on 8 June 2016 were ...

Water Treatment Policy - Housing

The aims of this policy are to;. • Ensure our compliance with Health and. Safety Guidance (HSG) 274 and L8 approved code of practice;.

Home energy efficiency

Jun 4, 2024 ... Advice and support · Hertfordshire Energy Advice Tool (HEAT) app · Quick wins for saving energy at home · Better Housing Better Health · SuperHomes ...

Duty to refer (homelessness)

Aug 27, 2019 ... Our duties as a local housing authority are defined within the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 and are set out fully on the Government's ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

The minutes of the Housing and Community OSC meeting on 6 September and 11 October 2017 were agreed by members present and signed by the chair. 11.

Meeting of Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Wednesday, 27th January, 2016 ... Documents available for browsing for meeting on 27/01/2016: Housing-27-01-2016 ...

Referral for Flexicare Housing form

Has a housing application form been completed? Yes ☐ No ☐. If 'No' please be advised that a move cannot proceed until this is completed.

[MazPSIA 010214] - Draft IA Portrait Report - [Area] - [Month Year]

As part of the Internal Audit Programme for 2015/16, we have undertaken an audit of the. Council's systems of internal control in respect of Housing Repairs. In ...

Kings Langley Housing Needs Assessment - Neighbourhood Plan

Table 7.11 Affordable Housing for Sale Housing Need. Stage & Step in ... inform policies and site allocation on housing growth, housing mix and affordable.

Private Sector Housing Strategy

Our vision for Dacorum's private sector housing is “Ensuring that private sector housing in Dacorum is always a safe and suitable housing option. We will ...