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Page 9 of results for query 'Job vacancies'

Delivering Success:

Job numbers in the Borough have grown strongly during the monitoring period. ... 14 Non-B jobs are jobs not within Use Classes B1 (business use), B2 ...

The Old Town Hall: Home - Hemel Hempstead

Fancy a job? Join our team of art loving fanatics and help grow our ... Vacancies · Venue hire · News · Environmental initiative · Contact us · Legal · Terms ...

Appendix F – Schemes Identified for Growth

J:\Bedford-Jobs\Hertfordshire County Council\49323910 HIIS - Transportation Elements\DMS\Reports\BDRP0004 HIIS. Transport Deficit and Schemes_Final.doc.

Authority monitoring report 2018-19

jobs since 2006. 10,000 new jobs by. 2031. Total employee jobs 2006: 58,800. Total employee jobs 2018: 69,000. Net change 2006-2018: 10,200. Job numbers ...

Delivering Success:

Dec 11, 2012 ... The job growth target for the whole plan period is still seen as ... invited to have a stand in order to promote their vacancies and ...

Authority monitoring report 2017-2018

39.5% of the total (net) completions in the monitoring period. Employment, economic development and retailing: • The number of jobs in Dacorum increased by ...

Clean, Safe and Green

Information on the Clean, Safe and Green service within Dacorum, how to get involved in community initiatives and how to report a problem.

Agenda item - Q2 Performance Report - Finance & Resources

Nov 7, 2017 ... ... vacancies. He said that two or three people had left, and they had ... Cllr Tindall commented that the Benefits department do a fantastic job ...

Strategic Infrastructure Study - >Executive Summary

Feb 10, 2011 ... Job numbers taken from the Hertfordshire London Arc Jobs and Employment Land Study, 2009. Table 5 - Employment Trajectory by Jobs Growth.


Apr 30, 2013 ... Recently, for example, online applications for job vacancies have been enabled. This means that no paper records need be created and the.