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Page 9 of results for query 'Open data'

[MazPSIA 010214] - Draft IA Portrait Report - [Area] - [Month Year]

Apr 15, 2016 ... on two occasions, the officers deemed throwing personal data in a public bin was not a breach ... should not leave workstations open and logged in ...

Download contact details as a CSV file for Councillor William Allen

If you select the option to Open the file and you have Microsoft Excel installed, the data will be displayed in an Excel spreadsheet. Refer to your program's ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Audit, 20/09/2017 19:30

Sep 20, 2017 ... data. With the Government's 'Open' agenda, increased flexible working patterns of staff, and increased partnership working and use of ...

Download contact details as a CSV file for Councillor Robert Stewart

If you select the option to Open the file and you have Microsoft Excel installed, the data will be displayed in an Excel spreadsheet. Refer to your program's ...

Download contact details as a CSV file for Councillor Michela Capozzi

If you select the option to Open the file and you have Microsoft Excel installed, the data will be displayed in an Excel spreadsheet. Refer to your program's ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Audit, 30/11/2016 19:30

Nov 30, 2016 ... That, under s.100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A Part 1 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) ...

Download contact details as a CSV file for Councillor Gbola Adeleke

If you select the option to Open the file and you have Microsoft Excel installed, the data will be displayed in an Excel spreadsheet. Refer to your program's ...

Traffic Regulation Order the Borough of DACORUM (VARIOUS ...

Mar 1, 2023 ... ... open-data/personal-information. Dan Rodger,. Parking Services Team Leader, Dacorum Borough Council,. The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 ...

Download contact details as a CSV file for Councillor Julie Banks

If you select the option to Open the file and you have Microsoft Excel installed, the data will be displayed in an Excel spreadsheet. Refer to your program's ...

Download contact details as a CSV file for Councillor Barbara Pesch

If you select the option to Open the file and you have Microsoft Excel installed, the data will be displayed in an Excel spreadsheet. Refer to your program's ...