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Page 9 of results for query 'Pollution'

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy – Pre ...

Every four years Member States shall report on polluted or likely to be polluted ... Avoid pollution in all its forms, in particular pollution of ground and ...

6 Heathland and acid grassland habitat action plan

Pollution alters these and results in a change in vegetation with fast growing species out- competing the typical heath and acid grassland flora. Page 7. A ...

Appropriate Assessment

Apr 23, 2008 ... pollution. An additional 3km buffer zone was used to add extra protection to the SAC. It was agreed with Natural England that significant ...

Looking after the Environment

Sep 25, 2013 ... pollution control and flood management, improving the health and well-being of residents by providing space for leisure activities ...

Part 4 - Local Plan Emerging Strategy for Growth 2020-2038 - pages ...

Investigate potential noise, air and light pollution impacts arising from the A41 and identify mitigation measures as necessary. Adopt basic radon protective ...

Agenda item - 21/00858/ROC -Variation of Condition 2 (Approved ...

Reason: To ensure that the development is not put at unacceptable risk from, or adversely affected by, unacceptable levels of water pollution from ...

Guidance for officers completing a Community Impact Assessment ...

Negative environmental impacts might be an increase in air pollution or natural resource use. In most cases the general impact for the community should be ...

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Mar 14, 2017 ... Pollution and Private Sector Housing Team. Unfortunately he had to end his contract early and Richard Swann has now started in an 11 month ...


Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites. Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries). Licensed Waste Management Facilities ...

Dacorum Borough Council Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating ...

reduction in local air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The policy is ... Transport is a key source of air pollution. Similar to greenhouse gas ...