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Page 9 of results for query 'Restaurants'

Land at Maylands Avenue - Final - 190117

Jan 19, 2017 ... m of cafe/restaurant (Class A1/A3) floorspace, a car park with 557 ... m, Restaurants Measuring 650sq. m, and Associated Car Parking ...

AREA 1 - The Character and Appearance of the CA (SW)

5.2. Today the High Street is lined on either side by mostly commercial premises (such as shops, restaurants, banks, offices, public houses), places of worship ...

Employment Land Position Statement No. 39 As at 1 April 2015

Apr 1, 2015 ... A3 Restaurants and cafes Totals: 685. Cou from retail (A1) to fast food oulet (A5). GRANTED. A5 Hot food takeaways. -- Settlement. Berkhamsted.

Employment Land Position Statement No. 40 As at 1 April 2016

Apr 1, 2016 ... A3 Restaurants and cafes Totals: 2824. 8.666. 3.938. 0.658. Page 15. 13. Permission. Reference. PDL. Address. Description. Outstanding.

Agenda for Licensing of Alcohol and Gambling Sub-Committee on ...

Jan 14, 2016 ... ... restaurant. One public house being opposite their restaurant; The outlining of a strategy in the application that covered the Council's four ...

Hemel Hempstead Station Gateway

Consider combining the station forecourt and. Harvester restaurant sites to provide a mixed use development with medium to high density residential on upper ...

National Non-Domestic Rates accounts within the last four months

Restaurants, 24/06/2024. 17, 016928901154, Seconds X Out Limited, Victory House , 400 Pavilion Drive, Northampton, NN4 7PA, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Floors, Unit 1 ...

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Aug 4, 2020 ... Restaurants. Contact: Nathan March – Licensing Team Leader ... Licensed premises such as pubs and restaurants may have licences that allow.

ITEM NUMBER: 5e 23/02339/FUL Construction of a Double Garage ...

The proposed development would not exacerbate access and parking issues associated with the Osteria restaurant nor would it be prejudicial to matters of ...

ITEM NUMBER: 5g 22/01442/FUL Change of use of ground floor ...

The surrounding area comprises a mix of uses, including residential, retail, cafes/restaurants and drinking establishments. 4. PROPOSAL. 4.1 The application ...