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Page 9 of results for query 'Slavery'

Minutes Template

Jul 17, 2019 ... homelessness applicant who was a victim of modern slavery. Housing Development. Cabinet Report. Approval secured at July Cabinet for ...

Public Document Pack - Housing and Community Overview and ...

Jan 10, 2018 ... slavery, and additional questions on insurance, equality and environmental management. 5.19 Both tenderers passed the minimum requirements ...

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Jul 17, 2019 ... applicant who was a victim of modern slavery. Housing Development. Cabinet Report. Approval secured at July Cabinet for: Appropriation of Land ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council, 18/09/2019 19:30

Sep 18, 2019 ... applicant who was a victim of modern slavery. Housing Development. Cabinet Report. Approval secured at July Cabinet for: Appropriation of Land ...

Minutes Template

Jun 5, 2019 ... modern slavery, that's an existing HMO, there is no intelligence in relation to empty homes at this stage. Cllr Mahmood wanted to know if ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 12/12/2017 19:30

Dec 12, 2017 ... slavery, and additional questions on insurance, equality and environmental management. 5.19 Both tenderers passed the minimum requirements ...

Are You suprised ?

Jul 25, 2018 ... Modern Slavery. 21/06/17. 3. Parking Standards. 06/07/17. 14. ICT/iPad Training. 11/07/17. 3. Audit Committee Members Forum. 12/07/17. 3.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Housing and Community ...

Nov 8, 2017 ... 15.1 Raise awareness of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. 15.2 Seek Cabinet approval of the proposed Safeguarding Policy and. Procedure ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Housing and Community ...

Feb 2, 2021 ... including domestic abuse and modern day slavery. Page 11. Page 12. 10. The council will independently review all council Community Safety.

Summary The application is recommended for approval. The ...

We wouldn't expect to see sights in our Borough showing the confinement of. Black African slaves or the effects of The British Empire on the incumbent people.