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Page 3 of results for query 'Compliments'

Housing & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Oct 19, 2022 ... 1.2. The performance is reviewed on a monthly basis through the InPhase reports, which combined with any complaints and compliments received, ...

Schools and education | Hertfordshire County Council

Complain, compliment or comment · Elections · Hertfordshire. Search Search. search button. Hertfordshire County Council · Go to home page. < Go back a page. Our ...

Agenda item - Environmental Services Q2 Performance Report

Councillor C Wyatt-Lowe complimented C Thorpe and his team on the Water Gardens. She was pleased to see the smaller islands had been cleared of rubbish but ...

Public Health panel on 10th November The agenda can be found at ...

Members were encouraged to see the film “Unrest”. Complaints and compliments review of HCC performance overall. There has been a significant drop in the ...

Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Mar 2, 2022 ... 2 The performance is reviewed on a monthly basis through the In-phase reports, which combined with any complaints and compliments received, ...

Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday, 28th June, 2016, 7.30 pm

Decision: That the implementation of a new 'Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy and Procedure' be approved subject to an amendment to Change 5 (page ...

Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday, 26th July, 2016, 7.30 pm

That the suggested changes to the proposed 'Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy and Procedure as set out in paragraph 2 of the Cabinet report' be ...

Improvement Plan – Completed Actions

Sep 21, 2022 ... Complaints and Compliments Trend analysis and Lessons Learnt. Quality of Work. Right First Time. Kept informed. Operatives. Behaviours. Easy to ...


Compliments are also recorded and the level of compliments which have been received by Osborne has been high also during the period under review which is.

Agenda item - Complaints Policy

HPeacock added that the website also covers comments and compliments, though the focus is currently on complaints. Cllr Beauchamp asked where in the policy ...