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Page 8 of results for query 'Flooding'

Agenda item - 4/00595/18/MFA - CONSTRUCTION OF 5 RETAIL ...

Reason: To prevent the blocking of drains, sewage flooding and pollution to local watercourses in accordance with Policies CS31 and CS32 of the Dacorum Core ...

Agenda item - 4/01116/19/ROC - VARIATION OF CONDITIONS 12 ...

Reason: To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future users. Informative: For further guidance on HCC's policies on SuDS, HCC ...

South South West Herts Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment ...

% within. Historic. Flood Map. % within Risk of. Flooding from. Reservoirs. Presence of watercourse. (Detailed River. Network). Source of site. Is the site in ...

Statements of Common Ground and supporting evidence

Aug 10, 2018 ... Land a West Hemel Hempstead, Flooding and Drainage Assessment (LA3), July 2012, JMP Consultants Limited. JS4, Land at West Hemel Hempstead (LA3) ...

(Public Pack)Addendum Agenda Supplement for Development ...

Apr 18, 2024 ... ... flooding mitigation. DJA has stated that the JNP Flood Modelling indicates an increase in flood risk in. Pembridge Close. This is not a ...

5 Wetlands habitat action plan

flooding. They form the typically flat permanent grasslands and fen meadows of river valley floodplains, often with a network of water filled ditches.

Construction of a detached bungalow with associated parking ...

May 22, 2020 ... various issues with flooding. Flooding has also been caused by water running down Felden Lane. The residents are concerned that an ...

Issue - items at meetings - 20/03819/FUL - Garage Court Dione ...

Feb 18, 2021 ... Exceedance routes and details of any informal flooding areas for all events over the 1 in 30 year rainfall event. 7. Maintenance and ...

Agenda item - 20/03821/FUL - Demolition of 34 residential garages ...

Apr 1, 2021 ... Reason: To prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage of and disposal of surface water from the site in accordance with Policy ...


Oct 12, 2017 ... To prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage of and disposal of surface water from the site. 2. To reduce the risk of flooding to ...