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Page 2 of results for query 'Incapacity'

Blank EqIA Form 2011

Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance; or Incapable of work for more than 52 weeks (or 28 weeks if terminally ill). The customer also must not ...

Section 5: Key Housing Market Drivers

claiming incapacity benefit has risen since. 2000. Incapacity benefit is more generous than unemployment benefit and also places less onus on the individual ...

Hertfordshire 2021: A Brighter future

- Incapacity Benefit claimants. - Women. 5. Page 7. Hertfordshire 2021: A Brighter Future. • Support more lone parents and people off incapacity benefit and ...

Application for the reinstatement of a premises licence under the ...

becomes incapable of carrying on licensable activities due to mental or physical incapacity, becomes bankrupt, or, in the case of an organisation, ceases to ...

Community Right to Bid: Non-statutory advice note for local authorities

enactment relating to incapacity, with “incapacity” being widely defined to include physical and mental impairment and any interference with capacity to ...

Hertfordshire Economic Development Strategy 2006-2011

such as lone parents, those on Incapacity Benefit, people with disabilities and ... Increase the number of people claiming an incapacity benefit gaining ...

Council Tax Support Scheme 2024

(i)long-term incapacity benefit or short-term incapacity benefit at the higher rate under Schedule 4 to the SSCBA;. (ii)attendance allowance under section 64 ...


Jan 8, 2013 ... IB – Incapacity Benefits. LGFA – Local Government ... receiving long-term Incapacity Benefit (IB) as to whether they are protected as ...

Draft Council Tax Support Scheme

Allowance, Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance, may. (depending on certain other rules) have a further four weeks benefit awarded at the same ...

Conduct procedure policy

incapacity on duty due to the effects of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs. • unauthorised use of a Council vehicle and/or property. • driving a Council ...