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Page 8 of results for query 'Interpreting'

Feasibility Study

The potential to interpret the concept flexibly, and to adapt it's operation is a strength and represents the robust quality of the mix of uses and layout ...

High Court Judgment Template

First, was the Defendant correct to interpret paragraph 89 NPPF as permitting cemeteries to be treated as “appropriate” provided they preserved the openness ...

Draft Dacorum Strategic Design Guide Supplementary Planning ...

It is difficult to interpret how these principles are to be applied to a development unless the intention is to replicate the illustrative layout shown. The ...

Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report October 2023

Table B: Interpreting Schedule 2 and linking the interpretation to the report structure. Page 97. Dacorum Local Plan SA. Interim SA Report. Appendices. 94.

Paradise Design Code Supplementary Plannning Document

For specific codes on built form please refer to. Section 03. Paradise Design Code Identity. Positively interpret the original vision for the town. Proposals ...

Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026

Jan 7, 2021 ... The Licensing Authority will interpret the term 'public nuisance' widely, and when considering this objective will take into account issues ...

Annual Monitoring Report 2006/07

• the allocation of sub-regional job growth – in order to interpret the draft East of England Plan locally. We are also reviewing whether some of the ...

Hertfordshire Strategic Employment Sites Study

in interpreting figures at a district level and the importance of the table is in showing policy aspirations). The key points are as follows: •. Summing all ...


Does the policy correctly interpret the issue of incremental or cumulative impact in accordance with the advice in PPG6, (275). (d). Are criteria (i) – (iii) ...

Dacorum Borough Council Pre-Audit Statement of Accounts 2013/14

Jul 17, 2014 ... Accounts together with guidance on how best to interpret them. This is followed by a high-level analysis of the events which have had a ...