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Page 9 of results for query 'Interpreting'

Cabinet - 09-03-31 - Local Development Framework

Mar 31, 2009 ... In interpreting these results it is important to remember that there has been an element of campaigning in some places. In others the ...

Annual Complaints Report 2023-2024

... interpret specialisms incorrectly. I personally think it would be better if Assistant Directors (AD's) or HOS from individual areas did their own complaints ...

Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd

Jul 4, 2013 ... There is insufficient evidence to interpret the Bronze Age settlement pattern at the study area, but it is has been suggested that small ...


Mar 22, 2013 ... It is therefore considered appropriate to interpret the position of the village boundary literally. The principle of the proposal is ...

Audit Committee Agenda

May 29, 2013 ... Each Authority had to interpret the Act for themselves. Resolved: The Committee accepted the Audit progress report. Actions: • J Deane to ...

Minutes Template

Jul 17, 2018 ... alerts which he could interpret that as you do an email out saying there is a Splash. Park opening as there are differences between this and ...

guidelines on fitness of applicants for hackney carriage / private hire ...

The overriding consideration in compiling and interpreting these guidelines is the safety of the public. The Council has a duty to ensure that those ...

Minutes Template

Jan 13, 2021 ... interpreting government policy and implementing these policies has kept the service incredible busy. During December and into early January ...

guidelines on fitness of applicants for hackney carriage / private hire ...

Mar 1, 2013 ... The overriding consideration in compiling and interpreting these guidelines is the safety of the public. The Council has a duty to ensure ...

The Grovehill Future Neighbourhood Plan

At the workshops there were several presentations from planning professionals giving helpful advice about interpreting consultation responses, gathering key ...