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Page 6 of results for query 'Listed buildings'

Agenda item - 20/03779/LBC- Two storey side extension and ...

May 27, 2021 ... ... (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Policy CS27 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013). 3. The listed brick boundary ...

Sustainable energy projects

Jul 31, 2024 ... Within a conservation area on a wall which faces the road. On a site designated as a scheduled monument, or on a listed building (including any ...

4/00757/15/lbc - change of use to private dwelling, replacement ...

Oct 22, 2014 ... harm the character, appearance or historic interest of this curtilage listed building. ... historic interest of listed buildings. Saved Policy 119 ...

ITEM NUMBER: 5a 22/01806/LBC Structural works to support ...

Aug 22, 2022 ... Listed buildings are protected by law as set out in the Planning (Listed. Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The listing covers both.

11. ENFORCEMENT CODE OF PRACTICE 11.1 The Council has ...

11.11 Listed buildings, i.e. buildings of special architectural or historic interest, are subject to both planning and listed building enforcement.

Summary The application is recommended for approval. The single ...

Ashridge Cottages as an assemble of listed buildings. The extension and ... historic significance of the cottage as Listed Building. The removal of a ...

final report guidelines.qxp

Listed buildings/. Conservation. Area. The town centre is a designated Conservation Area with a number of listed buildings. Conservation Area guidelines should ...

Pre-application advice

Jun 11, 2024 ... What does it cost? ; Householder, Extensions, outbuildings, and so on - non-listed building, £450 ; Householder, Extensions, outbuildings and so ...

5d 22/01733/FHA Conversion of Swimming Pool Building to Annexe ...

of preserving listed buildings, their setting, or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses, as well as to pay special ...

Summary The application is recommended for approval.The ...

The proposal provides an opportunity to reinvigorate this empty listed building, supported by enabling development. The development would revitalise the ...