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Page 5 of results for query 'Mines'


Oct 22, 2013 ... acceptance of liability for treating the mine on the part of the Council. ... Condition (iii) makes clear that no more central funds will be made ...

Club Gaming Permits and Club Machine Permits

Aug 31, 2007 ... (a) the Miners' Welfare Fund established by section 20 of the Mining Industry Act 1920,. (b) the former body corporate which was known as the ...

Informal street based property history

Mar 4, 2024 ... In this section. Highbarns Chalk Mines. Thanks for your feedback. Provide feedback on this page. Use the fields in this section to rate how ...

DBC letter template

Jun 1, 2014 ... Investigation works were undertaken to establish the cause of the collapse and its relationship, if any, to the Highbarns mine. These ...

To the owner/occupier Dear Resident Highbarns/Meadow Road ...

As you will be aware, Dacorum Borough Council has been co-ordinating the treatment of a chalk mine underneath properties in the area of Highbarns, Pond.

Letter to Residents re Public Meeting 2012x

Highbarns Chalk Mines – Invitation to Public Meeting. I am writing to inform you that Dacorum Borough Council will be hosting a Public. Meeting on Wednesday ...

PH Decision -PH-11-051 - Highbarns Funding Offer Approval

respect of the Highbarns Chalk Mines Project when this has been received from the Homes and Communities Agency, subject to the Section 151 Officer and the.

Highbarns Residents Group Meeting Wednesday 5 June 2013 ...

Jun 5, 2013 ... The testing work carried out in spring 2012 showed that the original survey was accurate – the mine is where it was expected to be and is ...

13 Natterer's Bat species action plan

Hibernation sites used by this species locally include chalk mines, tunnels, wells, icehouses, old lime kilns, a grotto and an artificial hibernaculum. 13.3.

Dacorum Core Strategy Examination -Issue 11 Berkhamsted 12.09 ...

Sep 12, 2012 ... works to treat/address the mine entries, areas of shallow mine workings and areas of former opencast backfill. The details of any proposed ...