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Page 2 of results for query 'Verges'

ITEM NUMBER: 5e 20/02507/FUL Installation of 12 parking bays on ...

Nov 25, 2020 ... Councillors identified the land as an area that would benefit from Dacorum's Verge Hardening Scheme. ... loss of tree for this verge hardening ...

9 Farmland habitat action plan

In 1991 the verge was designated as the county's first Heritage Roadside Verge with the permission of Mr ... affect a minority of the important verges. With the.

Area 127.qxd

Other remnants exist on road verges, such as a relatively ... Field boundaries are usually marked by good mixed hedgerows and wide 'common land' verges.

1 Introduction

Jul 3, 2024 ... highway verges or green space (see section 5.3 for examples of situations outside this scope). This could be where there is currently: o ...

Agenda item - Q4 Budget Monitoring

Jun 12, 2018 ... Cllr Tindall commented on the condition of the greens and verges and enquired if this was due to the difficulty of recruiting Clean, Safe and ...

Templates - Portfolio Holder decision

Jan 31, 2018 ... Verge Hardening Project. Reports considered: ( here reference can be made to specific documents). A final report written by the Project ...

Agenda item - Resident Services Performance Report Q1

Sep 22, 2016 ... Cllr Mahmood refereed to verge hardening, it's very costly in some areas, and asked if finance is considered. J Still said that in some ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

It was questioned whether these verges that hardened could include electric charging points to deal with two issues at hand. Cllr Pringle is keen that verge ...

Summary The application is recommended for approval. This ...

This application is the subject of a two year process ('The Verge Hardening Project') that has highlighted and prioritised the areas of extreme parking ...

Agenda item - Environmental Service Q1 Performance report

Cllr Timmis also asked about the verge cutting which made for a better environment and flytipping. ... C Thorpe also confirmed that wildflowers were planted and ...